Dead Branches

I’m wondering out loud now … but …

What would Jesus do about dead branches being thrown in the fire to be burned to ash?

Do you think … if Jesus were alive today … he would say, “Oh no! We can’t have dead branches burned! Quick, everyone, do as I now would say and gather up all the dead branches and make them idols of worship.”

Yeah. You’re right.

Jesus was the one who must have smiled, when he said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.” (Matthew 15:1-11, paraphrased)

Burn baby, burn.  Jesus is here today; and, non-producing dead branches will be set on fire.

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Nostradamus quatrain VII-14

The Old French of Nostradamus’ quatrain numbered VI-14 (Centurie Septieme, number XIIII) is thus:

Faulx exposer viendra topographie,

Seront les cruches des monumens ouvertes:

Pulluler sect faincte philosophie,

Pour blanches, noires, & pour antiques vertes.

Okay, here is how the website Crystalinks translates the above into English:

He will come to expose the false topography,

the urns of the tombs will be opened.

Sect and holy philosophy to thrive,

black for white and the new for the old.

The man named John Hogue, who somehow makes a living selling his interpretations of Nostradamus’ quatrains, translated the above Old French into English as (1997):

They will come to expose the false topography,

The funeral urns and monuments will be opened:

Thus multiplies the philosophy of the sacred [or false] sect,

Blacks for white, and sour [grapes] for the ancients.

Here is a literal (word-for-word) translation of the Old French, without all the paraphrasing going on, which changes this one quatrain into “The Prophecy of Crystalinks” and “The Prophecy of John Hogue.”  They say they are now speaking for Yahweh, in their all-knowing wisdom, when they alter perfection to suit their whims (which is obviously not so all-knowing).

Scythe to expose will come topography,

Will be existing them earthen pots of them sepulchers uncovered ones:

To bud out faction feigned study of wisdom,

In regard of whites, blacks, & because ancient ones green ones.

Knowing how little modern internet surfers can think about anything that requires a serious desire to known more and understand, I have created a picture-book explanation of this quatrain.  See if you can see it. 

 And the yogi said, “Read in. Hold. Meditate. Breathe out. Hold. Observe. Good! Now Read in again. Hold. Meditate. Breathe out. Hold. Observe again. Good! Now, keep that up while I go grab some hot tea.”


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Hope as Job and Paul

Today’s sermon on television (my favorite preacher) addressed the following elements of Scripture: hope; with Paul writing about it and Job displaying it.

This boils down to why so many Christians miss the point of Scripture, which is plainly put as this:

To understand Scripture, one’s soul must be raised from ignorance (regardless of how smart one’s brain may be), to a level of understanding that can only come from the soul of Jesus being resurrected within one’s soul, so Jesus speaks the truth of the Word to one’s brain.

When this is understood, then one realizes this is the definition of hope:


When the soul of Jesus is one with one’s soul, that soul and its body of flesh become the hope made available to the world.

The pastor even made the statement that the name “Jesus” means “Salvation.”  This is because Yahweh made His Son’s soul to “Save” other souls.

Near the end of the thirty-minute sermon (too long for an Episcopalian to stay focused on), the preacher pointed out the news of the world (in the Middle East) seemed like everything was coming apart, when (he said) “everything is coming together.”

Hope does not foretell a fabled second coming.  Hope IS the second coming of Jesus.

The preacher quoted from 1 Corinthians and Romans, both of which were written by Paul.  Paul’s name was Saul, before the spirit of Jesus came asking Saul, “Why do you persecute me?”

Okay, Jesus had died, with Saul never really getting to know the physical Jesus; but he persecuted Jesus by persecuting those true Christians who were each resurrections of Jesus, therefore each was a second coming of that soul. 

Saul experienced the second coming of Jesus.  He changed his name to reflect that spiritual change within his soul.  He wrote the Word (his epistles) as Jesus reborn … a second time.

Anyone waiting for a second coming of Jesus, without being knocked off their figurative ‘pony’ of carnal delights (selfish worth placed on one’s place in the world) has no hope.  None for their own soul.  None to offer other souls. 

No hope means no personal Salvation.  Being Jesus reborn means “Yahweh Saved” one’s soul … for the purpose of walking that hope around for others to be drawn to.

As for Job, few have figured this out, but (if you do the math, relative to when Yahweh was still allowing Satan to his council meetings of angels) Job was the actual name of the soul-man of Eden, the guy we have all been taught to call “Adam.”

The preacher pointed out how Job had hope, so he never once uttered any condemnations of Yahweh. 

At a time when the earth held no preachers to tell someone name Job about Yahweh, that means Job had hope because his soul was actually the soul created by Yahweh in Eden. Thereby, the same soul we call “Jesus” – the one made so “Yahweh Saves” other souls – comes a second time in every saved soul imprisoned in a body of worldly flesh.

Job become the prototype of who can resist the evils of the world.  Satan was sure he could break any ‘normal’ human being, making their souls all condemn Yahweh for their pains and sufferings as mere mortals. 

Job could not be broken because he was Jesus in the flesh … the very first time … after Yahweh booted his soul in holy flesh out of Eden and told him, “Get to work teaching mere mortals about Me.”

My favorite preacher is so close, yet so far away still.  As good sounding as his sermons are, I can’t help but get the feeling that he just led followers of him further away from being Jesus reborn. Everyone who tells others to find “hope” in a mythical second coming, which can only come when the world is being destroyed by Satan’s minions, is neither Hope incarnate or leading other souls to know Hope incarnate.

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A lesson in Hope

I watched a television pastor preach about hope this morning. What he said was confusing, as he was connecting hope to a promise from Yahweh (who he called “God”). The pastor spoke of Abram and Sarai being old in years, thus Sarai was beyond child-bearing capability. He said, “Because God had promised them children, they had hope, which was based on faith.”

As he spoke, it dawned upon me the truth of hope. I saw it in a new light I had not seen before.

My wife saw hope as one of those important words that needed to be engraved on a bracelet she hinted she wanted (which I obediently bought and gave to her). Hope was along with Love and Faith.

All three are vastly misunderstood; but I will stick just to hope for now.

The pastor said there are two kinds of hope, one which is human, where people hope for things to come; but the other is God’s promise, which means hope is assured. Because it is a divine promise, it is not up to those with spiritual hope to doubt the promise will be delivered. The pastor said we Christians should know Jesus will come some day and that is God’s promise, so hope means not questioning that future.

To me, what he said is the one definition of hope right out of a dictionary. Hope means, “a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.” That is not what divine Hope is.

What I was led to ponder was the Scripture lesson of Jesus healing the ten lepers. (Found in Luke 17:11-19)

Those ten lepers came to Jesus as he traveled through the land between Galilee and Samaria. Those ten lepers came to Jesus because they held hope to be cured of their leprosy. Their Hope was Jesus; because someone who had been cured of leprosy by Jesus told them he was their hope.

Their human hope led them to seek Jesus, find him, and then respectfully request he make their hope be fulfilled. Jesus told them all, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And, they did as Jesus commanded.

Then, one of the ten who had been healed of leprosy returned, “praising God in a loud voice.” “He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him.” Then, we learn this one healed leper was a Samaritan.

When Jesus then said to the healed Samaritan, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” the point has to be grasped that Jesus healed nobody. Yahweh healed them. When the Samaritan that was healed of leprosy came and fell at the feet of Jesus, praising Yahweh loudly, while thanking Jesus, this needs to be deeply understood, relative to Hope.

Jesus was the Hope of Yahweh. To come to Jesus with hope of healing, the metaphor of leprosy is the sin all human beings have covering their bodies of flesh. When Jesus told the ten lepers, “Go show yourselves to the priests,” the Greek word heautous means “yourselves,” but such a word needs to be read as “your souls.” Jesus did not send ten lepers to show priests they were cured of leprosy, so the priests could expect to see them in synagogue the following Sabbath. No. Jesus sent them to show purified souls no longer have human hope, they are the Hope of Jesus reborn within them.

That says the purpose of being a priest is to be just like Jesus, a soul married to Yahweh, therefore the Hope the hopeful come to see for healing of sins. The priests were then the lepers figuratively, so the purified souls of the lepers became the priests made available to sinners. They were sent as Jesus resurrected within each of their souls. As those having the High Priest within their temples of flesh, they went to the priests as their Hope for the Salvation of their souls.

Now, the lepers knew they were forbidden from touching anyone, especially a Jew (and one assumes nine of the lepers were Jews, with the other being one of the lost Israelites, to whom Jesus was sent to offer Hope). The ten then are said to have “called out in a loud voice,” while standing “at a distance.” The words translated as “loud voice” are ēran phōnēn, which better say, “raised up voice.” That says each prayed sincerely, so their prayers were lifted up to Yahweh.

To stand at a distance means to always be disconnected from Jesus, therefore also from Yahweh. When the one healed leper “came back and fell at the feet of Jesus,” this symbolically says he submitted his own soul to allow Jesus to become his Lord and Master. When Jesus asked where were the other nine, they had not yet fully submitted their souls to Yahweh, hiding their faces so they could resurrect as each a Son of man. Jesus was the Hope that a purified soul would receive within his or her soul, once committed to total subjection to be led by Jesus.

When Jesus then told the Samaritan healed of his leprous sins, “ Rise and go; your faith has made you well,” to tell him to “rise” means to become spiritually elevated, as Jesus reborn. To “go” meant to enter into ministry, as the Hope sought by those hoping for Salvation of their sinful souls. The statement that his soul had become possessed divinely, where “your faith” is translated, the Greek written literally says “this faithfulness of you,” where sou is the Genitive case, showing possession.

The Samaritan leper had no faith prior. He had hope, based on what he had heard told to him. He believed what he was told, so he had hope Jesus could heal him also. It was his turning his “face” to the ground,” at “the feet of Jesus” that made his soul be possessed divinely. As such, “this faithfulness of you” said his soul now knew the soul of Jesus personally. This was because two souls had become one, in your cleansed body of flesh. Yahweh created His Son as a “Yahweh elohim,” to join with lost souls. The name “Jesus” means “YAH Saves.”

This says the Samaritan healed of leprosy knew Jesus personally, as his inner Lord and Savior, making his body of flesh be resurrected as the Son of Yahweh in the form of a man. That Hope within “made him well,” where the actual Greek written says, “has saved your soul.”

This becomes what I had not seen before. Hope is being reborn as Jesus in the flesh. To hold human hope means to have been told Jesus can heal you of your sins. All you have to do then is seek him; and, when you find him, then pray sincerely for Salvation. Prayers are heard by Yahweh; and, Yahweh alone saves souls. That Salvation comes into those whose hope had them act from their beliefs. YAHweh Saves souls by sending His Son’s soul to enter a purified soul and lead it forevermore in faith, away from sin.

One’s face becomes where his Word speaks, while one has ceased being the source of one’s opinions and stories. One speaks the truth of the Word, which those holding human hope need to have explained to them. This means hope leads one to seek Jesus, who must be resurrected in new cleansed flesh, to become the answer that is Hope. By submitting fully to Yahweh, as the one through whom Yahweh Saves souls, makes one become the Hope for the world.

The error of the pastor’s words are echoed by all Christian priests and ministers. Those who say Jesus will come again some day are lepers standing far away from Jesus. They do not know Jesus; thus, they have no faith and offer no Hope. Few are being told to “rise” and “go,” because that would put the vast majority of those priests out of work.

When Jesus sent out his disciples in ministry in his name, he sent Hope among the Jews; so, they did not have to seek him. Those pairs preached the truth of the Word to those who sought to know the truth. However, not everyone wants to be Saved. Hope is to hope like the saying, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make the horse drink.”

Refusing to drink in the truth of the Word and find Salvation stands before one not looking like anyone worthy of belief, means to turn away from Yahweh. That is why Jesus told those who would “go” into ministry as him (just not looking like him) and find rejection, to tell them, The kingdom of God has come near.” They were to then kick the dust off their sandals, taking nothing material away from that place of rejection. The “kingdom of God” is within, in one’s souls, where the soul of Jesus must be resurrected, so one in the flesh can become Hope for Salvation.

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I will raise you up a prophet

Deuteronomy 18:15 states this, as is verifiabally translatable for the Hebrew written:

“a prophet from your inward self from each to the other [all brothers] like me [Moses] , [he] will raise up in you Yahweh two eternal souls [elohim] possessing you [each soul to the other soul, in all each brothers] ; him [the possessing el sent from Yahweh] you shall listen to .

This has Moses telling each follower of him – Moses – they would each have to be joined with the soul of Yahweh elohim [Adam, stated eleven times in Genesis 2]; and, this is what makes one (a soul in a body of flesh) different from someone born in Egypt, who followed many priests, to many gods (elohim). The descendants of Jacob – the sinner – would be considered Jacobites, not Israelites. Jacob was called Jacob in Genesis, from birth until his death; but when he wrestled with his own soul (an angel el) and his soul won, when he was told he was “Israel” – a name meaning “Who Retains El” – his soul became like Moses said. Jacob became reborn as “a prophet within his soul, a brother to Adam [tba “Jesus”], therefore a Son of Man, one “Who Retained El” that was the Son of Yahweh. Jacob was then raised up spiritually by an inner Lord soul, who possessed Jacob’s soul. Jacob would never sin again, because he heard, listened to, and followed the inner commands of his newly acquired Lord soul.

Thus, what Moses said cannot be seen simply as a prophecy of Jesus coming, to be a replacement Moses, for lost sheep to follow behind. The coming of “a prophet raised for you” is YOU; but to become that prophet, YOU must wrestle with your soul and your soul must win. Otherwise, your body of flesh will always lead you away from total commitment to Yahweh and toward some external false shepherd that says two things: 1. “I am the prophet raised up for you, as Moses prophesied;” and, 2. “You can do all the sins you want, because Jesus told me he would forgive everyone.”

Moses did not lead Jacobites into the wilderness. If he took non-believers, nobody would have needed to leave Egypt. Moses would have simple said, “I’m back! Guess what. I was touched by One God and told to be the prophet everyone in the world should follow.” Moses, had he done that, would have been crucified like Jesus, with nobody ever having left Egypt [metaphor for a sinful world]. Moses led Israelites into the wilderness, where all who left with him from Egypt found the Passover the night when they all wrestled with their souls, each winning. The reason Moses had to restate this prophecy is those Israelites who originally followed him, as Israelites, then went and made babies [a responsible thing to do, as Jesus said, “bring the children to me.”]. Of those newborn in the wilderness, ALL grew up to be self-serving brats, who preferred external prophets to being responsible prophets themselves.

This is the way of life and a necessary path to knowing sin, before one can have that wrestling match with one’s soul. One has to desire Yahweh with ALL one’s heart, soul, strength, and mind … not just a little bit … which means one needs to prophesy one’s own eternal damnation and fear that end. Only when one has found the serpents of the wilderness will kill one will the message of Moses be truthfully understood. Salvation means being raised up a prophet to listen to … within, not without.

The prophecy of Jesus coming is true; but only when one’s soul has been joined with the resurrected soul of Jesus [a.k.a. Adam]. YOU must be reborn as Jesus in new flesh (that does not look like his pictures), in both males and females. To mature in Christ means to know sin first; so babies sprinkled with water does not prevent that from happening.

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The Rapture

There seems to be a fresh influx of commercials on television that are focusing on how much God loves you [a generic plural pronoun usage], and all you [an individual with money] have to do is say a simple prayer, with apps now available for a daily prayer.  Of course, with the recent warfare going on in Israel-Gaza, the commercials begging for $45 so hungry Jews can be fed have increased. 

Now, some guy who did a David Koresh [made up a name from those found in the Bible to make it seem he is one of those Bible guys] is paying the big advertising bucks to promote his book-lecture series-newest movie [whatever] that lists bullet points to prepare for the Rapture.  In the commercials [slickly done with a cast of thousands] the scenes show Left Behind-style footage of people just suddenly disappearing – there one moment, then poof a newspaper drops on the ground, with the person reading it no longer there – yada yada yada.

I wonder if these people really expect human beings to come off some hard-earned jack and send it to them, who are so obviously shysters who offer nothing, with anything coming in being pure profit [after the ad agency gets its cut]? I guess P. T. Barnum was right [at least about Americans]: “There’s a sucker born every minute.” It is an axiom that allows any Fox News schmuck [with a ghost writer] to be able to proudly claim, “I’m a best-selling author!”

I doubt anyone holding the New York Times Best-Selling Books List will vaporize, dropping that fish-wrapper to the ground. Too many residuals going to off-shore bank accounts of ‘best sellers’ to leave behind.

NEWS BREAK: God is Spiritual, not physical.  God will not be calling anything physical ‘home,’ meaning the guy delivering your Amazon purchases will never simply disappear – poof – leaving only his scanner device and delivery vehicle behind.  God has no space in the Spiritual realm [call it Heaven if you want] for shoes, pants, shirts, hats … not even for bodies of flesh!!!  The Rapture would never be like a Left Behind movie because the only thing Yahweh would take ‘home’ would be a soul.  He would leave all the things that stink of sin behind.

This is what “Left Behind” is really. Notice the lack of souls making corpses mill about.

This means the “Rapture” is when one’s soul suddenly becomes the wife of Yahweh, when the “Me,me,me,me” of self dies, so a body-soul can be resurrected with the soul of Jesus running that lifeform. The “Second Coming” isn’t some time in the unforeseeable future, when bodies in suits begin flying into the clouds. It is when one becomes a Saint walking the earth, preaching the Truth of the Word, because the soul of Jesus is within, saying, “Say _______. Do ________.” And you [an individual soul alongside a divine soul, in the same body] ACT as commanded.

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The lesson of the Good Samaritan

[Please read this posting knowing I post it now because of the ongoing warfare in Israel, due to terror acts by Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinians (et al) and the surrounding and supportive Arab-Muslim world against Judeo-Christians that is long been the ‘hell on earth’ found in the Middle East. The warfare in Ukraine is also a reflection of this lesson. To Christians who raise the proverbial sword over the necks of Christians who “do not stand” blindly with Israel, or with Ukraine, or with the millions pouring freely into the United States illegally, with no one trying to defend against that, this lesson is most important to learn. The world is, has been, and always will be where evil exists. Evil can only exist in the world. To find one’s “inheritance of eternal life” means to learn the truth of this lesson. Then all the evil of the world will be incapable of harming one’s soul. Warfare is evil. Just warfare requires one be a Good Samaritan, led into war by Yahweh … as the Ark of His Covenant. This is what “Love your neighbor as yourself” means.]

The question posed by the “certain lawyer” asked, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?”

The question was in the future indicative active, first person singular, meaning the question was not what does everybody have to do to be assured of going to heaven, but how will I know when I have made that assured in my future.

The verb written in the Greek (poiēsas) is actually stated in the aorist active participle form, as “having done,” so the lawyer was (again) not concerned with the past acts of anyone else, but his own past acts.

The focus of this “test” question was then centered on this man (“certain” meant he claimed to be a disciple of Jesus – his “Teacher” or “Didaskale” – even though he was a Mosaic “lawyer” or “nomikos”) was to get Jesus to tell him what he thought he already knew.

He thought he was already assured to “inherit eternal life,” because he had become a very wealthy man (at a young age) from knowing the Bible [then only the ‘Old Testament’].

This makes everyone, at all times, who cannot tell others simply and plainly, “You are guaranteed to inherit eternal life because …”, thereby keeping others from ever asking this question about himself or herself, be a reflection of someone who is not assured of inheriting eternal life.

This is known because Jesus did not tell the “certain lawyer” (thus everybody like him, forevermore), “Well brother, YOU are! Why ask such a question? You know how much you gave to the Temple last year. You know how many ten year old boys you taught to memorize the Psalms. You know how many times you stood up in synagogue and read aloud from the scrolls, meaning you speak Hebrew well; and, you know you always tell others what I, your Teacher, tell you, because you believe in me.”

Because Jesus did not give that answer, none of that brings any assurance of eternal salvation for a soul.

Jesus has the man asking the question give the answer himself, based on what he spent so much time memorizing; and, his memorization of Scripture meant Scripture always holds the true answer. Then, the student said to his “Teacher:”

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’[from Deuteronomy 6:5]; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[from Leviticus 19:18]”

Here, when Jesus said to do as the ‘Good Book’ says to do [not what Jesus said to do] – “Do this and you will live.” – the reason the “certain lawyer” next asked, “And who is my neighbor?” is because (being a smart man), the “certain lawyer” saw a conundrum, a paradox his mind struggled to unravel, which was this:

How is it possible to give all (“holē”) one’s Love (“Agapēseis”) to the Lord (“Kyrion”) your (“ton”) God (“Theon”) and still have any left over for anyone or anything other than the Lord your God?

This is why it says the “certain lawyer [he] wanted to justify himself.” The Greek word dikaiōsai is written, rooted from dikaioó, as the aorist infinitive active that matches the previous “having done” element of his question about “I inherit eternal life.” The smart “lawyer” wanted to make sure he had previously understood what he memorized in the ‘Bible,’ so he wanted to make sure he “proved his righteousness,” by “defending the cause of righteousness.” He saw the difficulty in having more Love than humanly possible.

Therefore, having asked “How can I be assured of eternal life,” knowing how easy it was to say, “I Love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, strength, [and last in the pecking order] mind,” the clarification now demanded him know [a brain thing for smart people]:

“And who is my neighbor?”

This is where the Divine Word overtook Luke, such that he wrote the truth in a way that normal Greek syntax cannot capture it. What the “certain lawyer” next said was this:

Importantly [like an aside, not a conjunction uttered] … certain [the same tis used to describe the lawyer] it exists of me neighbor?

The truth is hidden within these word uttered, which sound like a simple question, when the truth asked, “does my existence … which is my soul giving life to my flesh … have a neighbor that is in possession [the genitive case of mou – “of me” or “of myself” or …] of my soul?”

The important follow-up, as the simple question asked, wanted Jesus to tell him if more Love was available beyond that given completely to the Lord my God, then tell me who exists in my world that qualifies as a neighbor [plēsion, meaning “near, neighboring, nearby, a neighbor”].

Jesus stood there in front of this man asking him this question, which on the surface wanted to defend the cause of Leviticus 19:18 (“dikaiōsai“). The Hebrew of that verse uses rea [transliterated as “lə·rê·‘ă·ḵā”], which means “your friend, companion, fellow.” It gets translated as “neighbor” because a “friend, companion, fellow” is not a family relation, but an outsider that is welcomed as such. The “certain lawyer” could not see Jesus as his neighbor.

He could not see his needing to have the soul of Jesus in possession “of his soul,” in order to be assured of “inheriting eternal life,” by doing as the Scripture he quoted said for him to do. He was blind to the truth of Scripture.

Here, again, the same obviousness stares every would-be Christian in the face, as every would-be Christian asks the exact same question: Who is my neighbor? The VAST majority of them see Jesus as the “Teacher,” not a “friend, companion, fellow.”

Jesus is not going to tell the “certain lawyer,” nor any would-be Christians, “You have to be ME reborn.” The “certain lawyer” was Nicodemus (by the way) and when Jesus told him that, in their first meeting, then Nicodemus thought Jesus meant to get back in his momma’s belly and be born again as a full-grown man.

That is not being “born again from above,” where anōthen means “from heaven.” Heaven is not a physical place. It is spiritual. It is the soul giving life to a body of flesh. To be “born again with another soul” is hard for people like Nicodemus to understand.

Since Jesus had already said to Nicodemus, “You call yourself a teacher of Israel (remembering the two spoke in Judea, a Roman province) but you do not understand such spiritual things?” Jesus wasn’t going to give Nicky any new direct insights.

[Hint: A minimum for being a teacher of “Israel” means knowing “Israel” is a Hebrew phrase that says, “Who Retains El.” The “El” part can translate as “god,” which is what a “soul” is, both being eternal entities. The capitalization of El then means another soul “born from above,” which is another soul joined with one’s soul, making one be one “Who Retains Jesus Near.”]

So, Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan.

To keep this short, here are the bullet points of that lesson given by the “Teacher” to the disciple [everyone who is like a “certain lawyer” named ‘Victory boy.’]

· Robbers are sinners.

· Jesus is the man robbed. [Think about his arrest, trial, beatings and crucifixion.]

· Half-dead means dead physically, with the spiritual ‘half’ freed from a body of flesh to divinely possess one who will ‘come to Jesus’ (not talk about a man one heard about that lived long ago, who they believe in).

· The priest and the Levite are those like the “certain lawyer” Nicodemus, as they serve a building and an organization, where the “love” [lower-case means worldly emotions that change with the wind] being dressed in fancy robes, hanging out with those who think like them, while getting rich off po folk who want to know the truth, and telling those who don’t think like them what Jesus said to do.

· To go to the other side of the road means to keep their souls far away from divine possession by the soul of Jesus. The “opposite side” would then be demonic possession, where the excuse ‘the Devil made me do it’ is often used.

· The Samaritan means every loser the world has ever known, who reached the depths of despair and begged Yahweh for Salvation.

· The Samaritan finding Jesus half-dead in the road means his prayers were answered by wandering upon Jesus at a time of great need AND he knew that he had to care for this soul that waited for him on his road of life.

· The caring for the half-dead man means the soul of Jesus led the soul of the Samaritan to do Good; and, Good is only done by Yahweh.

· The promise to come back and repay all debts is the lesson of forgiveness, where only Yahweh forgives sins.

Jesus asking the “certain lawyer” which of the three was the neighbor of the half-dead “Man” (from a capitalized Anthrōpos, as the “son of Man”), the correct answer was “the one who showed compassion” (or “mercy”). While not saying the word “Samaritan,” the answer to the question “Who is my neighbor?” was him. He who shows compassion to Yahweh (love leading to divine marriage) will come to meet the resurrection of Yahweh’s Son, thereby the one assured of “inheriting eternal life.”

Every soul animating a body of flesh (known to eventually die and ‘give up the ghost’) that truly wants to know, “What must I have done to inherit eternal life?” must realize I must be the Samaritan and walk to Jesus, not take the path opposite to him. Nicodemus knew the “Teacher” just told him Salvation means looking at how he was not Loving Yahweh by being His Son reborn. The same lesson is taught to all.

To be able to ‘come to Jesus,’ one must admit to be without the soul of Jesus nearby one’s own soul. To walk the path of a Samaritan might mean having some demons nearby one’s soul, leading that soul-flesh to know sins and the weight they bear on a soul. To be reborn means to become the womb of a second soul – a divine resurrection of Yahweh’s Son. That mean marriage of one’s soul to Yahweh, where the Baptism by His Spirit ‘impregnates’ one’s soul with a soul that Saves. One’s soul must surrender self at the spiritual altar of divine union, to become the wife-soul of Yahweh, giving Yahweh ALL his Love, so one’s soul will be Saved by Yahweh (the meaning of the name “Jesus”).

Thus, the Love of Yahweh is when one marries one’s soul to Yahweh’s Spirit [true Baptism by the Spirit] AND then Loves Yahweh with ALL that comes when Jesus’ soul is one’s Lord as your El.

The guarantee of inheriting eternal life comes when one has been “born again from above,” with a second soul that divinely possesses one’s soul, becoming that soul’s Lord.

When that Spiritual change takes place, one no longer asks “How can I be assured of inheriting eternal life,” because one has become “Israel,” as one “Who Retains El” – Jesus.

Because Jesus is the manifestation of ALL LOVE possible for one soul to give to Yahweh. Being reborn as Jesus means ALL one’s LOVE has been surrendered unto Yahweh. As Yahweh’s servant-wife, one does as Moses had written by becoming Jesus reborn in one’s flesh … alongside one’s saved soul.

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The Biblical Prophecy of Gaza versus Israel

If you want to see the end of the conflict that is happening now in Israel, look no further than 1 Samuel.

The set up to 1 Samuel is the Book of Judges, where the lesson needs to be seen simply. There are two options for living on earth:

1. Serve Yahweh wholly, by loving Him with ALL your [you as an individual] heart, ALL your [you as an individual] mind, and ALL your [you as an individual] soul.

2. Serve self wholly, by loving self with all you tingly feeling of flesh, all your powers of thought with a big brain, and by bowing down before important people that can promise you the world, being told you [individually] will not lose your soul to eternal damnation.

Every forty years the people on stolen land would begin to choose number two, only to find the locals rising up to make their lives most miserable. Having grandparents who would tell them (paraphrased in English), “Oy veh! When I was your age we used to pray to Yahweh to get us out of such messes as you young folk have made for yourselves.” Hearing that would make them do a Homer Simpson.

Then, believing in Yahweh still, those lamenters would drop down EARNESTLY and cry out to the unseen, “Yahweh please help us. We are so very sorry we acted against your Laws. Show us the way we must repent.”

Yahweh, always a good listener to his flock, especially when in danger, would answer those prayers by sending a Judge to save them.

Of course, people being people meant they kept on breeding, and their children grew up to reject everything their forefathers ever told them; so, every forty years it was walk to the edge of sin and see death before their sinful eyes, until a Savior would take them back to choosing option one as the way to live on earth.

Then, the wayward people got tired of praying to Yahweh for Salvation. They got tired of honoring Yahweh as His people; and, by that time the Judge named Samuel had been sent to save them, but not too long afterwards the lazy (call them at this point) Jews went to him and demanded, “Give us a king to be like other nations!”

At that point, Samuel – being a true prophet, meaning he could hear Yahweh speaking to his soul [not his ears] – told Yahweh what the people [the elder spokesmen for the rest] demanded. Yahweh knew their demands, so He told Samuel, “I Am their King.”

Pause it here for a moment and gather around all you serious minds who really want to know the truth. Listen carefully to this:

The name of Yahweh is not actually that. He told Moses, when Moses asked a burning bush with a voice he heard, “Who shall I say sent me?” Yahweh replied, “Tell them I Am that I Am.” [“’eh·yeh ’ă·šer ’eh·yeh” … also translatable as “I Become Who I Become]

That means your king is whoever you bow to, as demanded by the elders of other nations. If you only bow down and serve Yahweh, then “You Are that He Is.”

This is the meaning of the name “Israel.” That name says, “He Who Retains El.

“El” is not Yahweh, but His Son, who (at Samuel’s time) is and always is the soul of Adam. The same soul can also be called “Jesus,” which is a name that says “Yahweh Saves.” Yahweh Saves by sending His Son’s soul as “I Am that I Am” or “I Become Who Is My Son Reborn In Flesh.” Moses had received the soul of Yahweh’s Son, so Moses became in the same name, “I Am that I Am,” as Adam-Jesus then in his body AND soul, the soul that then went by the worldly name Moses.

By the time Jacob came around, his soul was so wrapped up in sins he was responsible for (theft of a birthright, lying to an old blind man about being hairy, stealing Haran’s daughter and running away, yada yada yada) that he had a “Come to Jesus Meeting.” His soul fought with his flesh over who was going to be the Lord over both. At the end of the “Night of the Living Dead,” the soul of Jacob had won the battle, with Jacob’s hip forever a reminder to him: Do not do what the flesh says do. Then the soul of Jacob said, “By the way, your soul is now one Who Retains El … your new Lord that Saves, sent by Yahweh.”

When the name “Israel” becomes a name for flesh and blood, for dirt and water on earth, it always says, “Oy veh! My back!” only to hear the echo saying back, “Oy veh! My hip!”

When the name “Israel” says each individual soul in a body of flesh goes truly by that name, then he or she is “Who Retains El,” as one soul “Saved by Yahweh.” Those can tell all who ask, “Who sent YOU?!?!” … “Well, I Am that I Am.”

When the name “Israel” is a meaningless word, given to dirt and water on earth, with the people living around and on that dirt and water then collectively calling themselves “Israelis,” then nobody is hearing a voice from a burning bush or fighting all night long with one’s soul for salvation.

Today’s Israel is like a Frankenstein’s monster version of the Israel the Assyrians overthrew and cast the runaways to the four corners of the earth. Land lost.

Call it a messy divorce, because the people (led by tribal elders that reflect today’s political leaders of ‘other nations’) cheated on Yahweh. They chose masturbation and sleeping with whores over Spiritual intercourse that individually impregnated their souls with the soul of Yahweh’s Son. Only one reborn as the Son can have the strength to live righteously and show others how that is done.

Today’s Israel is like a bad Sly Stallone (at age 80) Rocky sequel. It is not real and it is not good.

Okay, campfire breaktime is over; so, let’s get back to the aspect of 1 Samuel prophesying what is in the news today.

Yahweh let the elders and the people of their tribes have what they wanted. He even let them pick out the biggest, strongest, meanest (let’s call them the same thing again) Jew they knew, tell Samuel which one to pour oil on his head, and then a guy named Saul became the King of Israel. Ole King Saul is the big, bad, mean Jew that David found quivering in a corner, because he knew all the elders would eventually tell him, “Oy veh Saul! Go out and fight Goliath and show him we got a god better than his.”

At that time the name “Israel” was meaningless. It was as holy as “Egypt,” or any other nation with a worldly name for land and the flesh and blood standing on that land. Saul used Samuel to tell him what Yahweh wanted; but … Saul did what he wanted … as the King over dirt and people.

Bad move by Saul.

Jumping to the end of his story, Saul was cornered by some Philistines that were a little angry. Saul – not being one Who Retained El – could not talk to Yahweh himself; and, by then Samuel had died. So, Saul dressed up like a woman and went out of town looking for a woman who conjured up spirits of the dead. She was also a psychic too, because she knew this crazy dude dressed like a woman was ole King Saul. She began to fear he would have her killed for speaking to the dead; but Saul said, “No! I want to speak to the dead too! Get Samuel up here for me.”

Samuel’s soul asked Saul what he wanted. Saul said, “Tell me what I can do to save myself from the Philistines!” Samuel’s soul said, “Prepare to die; and, do not try praying to the dead ever again. I will not answer you.”

Okay. After that, the Philistines killed the sons of Saul, with Saul trying to commit suicide, but not doing it right; so, a camel riding Arabian came upon him and Saul begged him to end Saul’s life, so the Philistines would not disgrace him with torture and dismemberment, put on public display for all to see.

David would hear the news of Saul’s death by the guy who did as Saul begged him. David had the man executed for having killed a king – against the laws Saul had written. Then, David sang a song that said, “Oh how the mighty have fallen; and, perished the weapons of war.” [2 Samuel 1:27]

The story of Saul is the story of the nation called “Israel” today, because it is nothing more than sinful souls in dirty bodies of flesh who walk behind a ruler they bow down to (call it a Prime Minister, rather than a King), with nary a one in the bunch being able to say truthfully, “I am Who Retains El.” If they said that truthfully, then they would be saying, “I am not a Jew, because I am a true Christian … a Saint in the name of the Son of Yahweh … Saved. So, there is no place on earth that is not where I exist, Promised that my soul is Israel, in the flesh made from the dust, dirt, and clay of the Land.”

Now, I hear the screen door slapping, so I know people are leaving; but for any of you still wanting to learn more truth, listen to this:

· Marriage is a sacred union. [Israel is a soul’s ‘married name’ when Yahweh is the Husband.]

· The Father gives away His daughter in marriage. [The land of Canaan is the bride given by Yahweh to Moses-led Israelites.]

· The place on the earth that is Egypt was where the DNA of Jacob was stored. [Jacob’s ‘nut sack.’]

· The story of Moses leading the children of Jacob, who were taught by Jacob and Joseph to be true souls Who Retained El, is metaphor for Yahweh the Father giving a womb in which that DNA could be inseminated. [Everything in the Holy Bible speaks spiritually, although it reads like good stories to teach children in Sunday School. So the Israelites were the seeds of Yahweh placed in the womb of Mommy Earth.]

· The entrance into Canaan was the deposit of spiritual DNA. [Spiritual orgasm.]

· The entire history of that land is then the time DNA took to be formed as a fetus, to the point it could not stay AND from which left it could never return. [Like all that is formed in a womb, it can only be done by the Hand of Yahweh. Your mommy did not think you into being.]

· The Jews turned away from Yahweh, choosing to always be like other nations – ordinary, without any EL at all. [All teenagers rebel against their parents; so, the Jews were the Prodigal Son. They are still out wasting their inheritance, having not come to the dawning they need to get back to the Father, if they want to be Saved. Instead, they crawl back to ‘mommy’ Palestine, wanting to be ‘born again,’ just not from “above.”]

· When Jesus told Nicodemus, “You must be born again from above,” the brain of Nicodemus could only think in terms of physical birth, not spiritual rebirth. [The metaphor for “above” is spiritual, which means one filthy dirty soul needs another – higher soul – come wash it clean AND make sure the host soul stays out of sin forevermore.]

· Nicodemus and all his Jewish Mammon worshipers [today’s Zionists] were hanging around the Temple of Solomon, rebuilt and renamed as Herod’s Temple (Not Yahweh’s Temple), as if crawling back into that womb made them reborn as Yahweh’s favorite people on earth. [Herod the Great was like a Zionist – in Jew by name only – so he put a lot of time and money into making Jerusalem a gem for future tourists to come see. Today’s Israel IS the Third Temple; but, it is just an empty shell, not a house of Yahweh. Yahweh only marries souls; and, buildings and lands have no souls.]

· The number of Jews in Palestine in the year 1900 was about 300. They all lived on the coast, in Tel Aviv, which was a segregated community, next to the Muslim city of Jaffa. The people of two religions got along then. [Because neither was stealing from the other.]

· Then Zionists came up with a plan to make someone give Jews Jerusalem. [The foresight of demonically possessed souls.]

· Then the Ottoman Empire collapsed. [No longer able to run fiefdoms to the south.]

· Then the League of Nations was an intellectual plan to make everybody kumbaya together, which is pretending mixing oil and water equally won’t have the two separate. [This was before oil was discovered under Arabian sand.]

· Then Great Britain was told to prepare Palestine to be self-governing … to be led by a king, like other nations. [An aged empire slowly exposing itself as incapable of putting up a real fight.]

· Then the Nazis and Fascists came along, hating Jews, getting the Muslims to say, “Attaboy!” [The Brits tried playing with Hitler, as long as he only took the worthless nations nobody wanted to steal.]

· Then Jews were found in concentration camps and someone said, “Give them back the land God promised to always be theirs. [By then illegal immigration had half the population of Palestine be Jewish, with Great Britain then like Joe Biden is now … not trying to stop illegal immigration at America’s borders.]

· Then the Palestinians said, “But this is our land. We have been here forever.” [Unlike the Jews, who were thrown out by the Assyrians, then the Babylonians, then the Romans, then the Ottomans … basically every empire that came along. The Jews ran to Europe and they would eventually be kicked out of there; so, Jews are like the tennis ball of the world. Back and forth. The Palestinians are like the Philistines, who were never kicked out of Gaza. The Philistines destroyed the false shepherd named King Saul, his mighty sons, the people of dirt and water called Israel, and mutilated the corpses and hung them on poles for all the world to see. It is what a Philistine does, in order to get even. A Philistine is a reflection of what all souls that reject Yahweh turn out to be.]

The point of 1 Samuel is realizing Yahweh never promised a worldly domain, beyond breathing a soul (a former sinner soul, reincarnated) into a body of worldly flesh. That is your kingdom; and, your soul is its king.

The outcome of the unfolding news is clearly sung by David, in 2 Samuel 1. He sang:

“Oh how the mighty have fallen.”

And those Philistines never have had a way of treating corpses with respect.

Being led by a king, like other nations, means “live by the sword, die by the sword.”

The news today has a whole lotta sword rattling, raising, and lopping.

All over land, not over souls.

If the point was having a worldly domain to call one’s own, Yahweh would have just swooped down in front of Pharoah and said “Die mortal!” and Pharoah would have died, just like his first born son died. Then Yahweh would have turned to the sons and daughters of Jacob and said, “Welcome to the land you can call home.”

That would have saved forty years of wandering … learning how to belly ache with the worst of mankind … “I want to go back to where I had stew with meat. Wah wah wah.”

If Moses wasn’t one Who Retained El, if he were more like a Philistine, he would have massacred all of them in the wilderness and nobody would have been left alive to call that the worst killing of Jews since … [Fill in the blank].

Yahweh did not choose a people to be special. He expects all souls to choose Him in divine union.

Those souls that choose Him are then each His Son reborn … not resurrected to go around saying, “I am special. God gave me land to own forever.” Each soul that chooses Yahweh and is reborn as His Son’s soul in flesh (purified and Saintly, in the name of Jesus) as one who will go into the world as a minister to the truth of the Word.

Tell me where it says Jesus led an army of Jews to defeat the Romans … or anyone else.

Tell me how today’s Israelis [not true Israelites] are preaching the truth of the Word to Palestinians.

David went to the Philistines and preached the truth of the Word in Gath. They believed because he was a true Israelite. Two hundred Philistines willingly died as enemies to all true Israelites, being circumcised, so David took their foreskins back to Saul (he only asked for 100). The Philistines then honored David when he fled the wrath of Saul. They gave him Ziklag and wives. Tell me how any of that is happening today.

When David sinned it was not a condemnation of his soul. David’s reign as King over Israel, so it can be like other nations began with that sin. The end of David as King over people ceased, so each and every person in the lands called Israel and Judah had to each become a nation, whose soul was their king. That is how ALL will demand to be the masters over their own domain. To be like everybody else means to serve no god totally. It means to NOT be “Israel” – one “Who Retains El.”

The story unfolding now, between Hamas and Israel is ALL about might making right. Whoever kills the most wins. Killing (murder) is a soul-condemning sin; and, only if led by Yahweh to kill evil (as David was) does killing become just. No one is being led by Yahweh in this Arab-Jew long-held hatred of one another.

This is not about saving land or flesh and blood.

“Oh how the mighty have fallen” is a broken record of history, from having been played so often. Might is only right until someone else’s might changes what defines “right.”

Today’s news is about soulsyour soul … being saved … or being lost.

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Nostradamus’ views on the 2023 attacks on Israel and Israel’s response

For as much comparison that has been made to the Hamas attacks on Israel to “Israel’s 911,” with the standard talking point for Israel being: “This is the greatest loss of Jewish lives since the Holocaust,” there is nothing specific written by Nostradamus that can be limited to these attacks and responses of October 2023.

There are many quatrains that specifically tell of the events of September 11, 2001. The point of that focus is 911 was the ‘call to arms’ in a ‘Holy War’ that will be fought between Islam and Christianity.

The thorn in the side or the burr under the saddle that is the cause of the atrocious events now began when Jews were allowed to illegally settle in Palestine, at a time when Great Britain had been assigned the League of Nations Mandate over Palestine (1917, ceded by the Ottoman Turks at the end of WWI). That lasted until when Adolph Hitler (and Axis pals) came knocking the vaunted British Empire to its knees (Dunkirk and the bombings of England) and threatening it to realize it was indebted to the German people for the war reparations the Treaty of Versailles caused economically (the Great Depression escalated those woes).

By 1939, the British were allowing illegal immigrants into Palestine, who were Jewish wanting to go back ‘home,’ in ever-increasing numbers. This was when the objective of the League’s Mandate (as Protectorate) was for Great Britain to prepare Palestine to be a self-governing nation (along with Mesopotamia [Iraq] and Transjordan [Jordan]).

The French had the same responsibility as Mandate over Syria and Lebanon.

At the end of World War II, four of those five fiefdoms were allowed to be self-governing nations; but the lone exception – Palestine – was handed to the Jews, along with leftover British armaments, where a war was fought between the ‘Mini Me’ of the Great British Empire and the peasant goat herder Palestinians, with the result of that being a State of Israel, with Palestine kicked to the dirt.

The Jewish military leader and first Prime Minister (David ben Gurion) prophetically said, “Palestine will never cease trying to regain their land, because we have stolen it from them.”

What began in 1942, when the United Nations approved Israel as a rightful nation, has never ceased efforts being made to regain Palestine for the Palestinians. Several ‘wars’ have been fought, with the poor Palestinians assisted by Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and Iraq (all armed by the Soviets), only to lose to Israel, who was armed by the USA at those times.

All the “Middle East Peace Talks” have been due to this one issue – the theft of Palestine … when theft is one of those Mosaic Laws, sent by Yahweh to His people, to avoid at all costs. Thou shalt not steal.

The people who organized the theft of Palestine were Zionists, which was a political group founded in the late nineteenth century, proposing Jerusalem be given to the Jews. Zionists are NOT Yahweh’s people.

When Osama bin Laden organized and planned the attacks of September 11, 2001, he was assisted by the wealth of Saudi Arabia, along with twenty Saudis who volunteered to sacrifice their lives in those events, officially declaring war on the United States, for its support of Israel having stolen Palestine.

All warfare is not as overt as the bombings that make the news. The Prophecies tells of the migrations of peoples, which is a covert act of war.

The break-up of the Soviet Union allowed enemies of the USA to be welcomed onto American soil.

The invasions of Afghanistan and then Iraq, with occupations in both countries allowing Muslims to find ‘refuge’ in the USA, while legal ‘refugees’ poured out of the Middle East, into the open arms of Europe.

Illegal ‘refugees’ began flooding from North Africa into Italy and France, where they were huddled into ‘refugee camps,’ but not expelled from Europe.

The warfare caused by al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Hezbollah, and ISIS (in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria) caused floods of escaping ‘refugees’ into Eastern and Central Europe, with many welcomed into Germany.

Islam-sympathizing President Barack Hussein Obama taught Joe ‘Lyin’ Biden (his VP) how to rig elections and open the border to free votes for Democrat politicians. As the president, ‘Dementia Joe’ and his minions in the Justice Department, Military Brass, and Homeland Security (et al) have opened the U.S. border to would-be warriors against the United States.

Can you see the pattern here?

Can you see the ‘payback is hell’ coming?

Can you see the parallel: Let Jews illegally cross into Palestine, so they can steal it and call it theirs, then just wait until we do the same to you.?

This war in Israel-Gaza of 2023 is simply part of the war that was officially declared on September 11, 2001. Skirmishes like what is happening now happened before, when Israel had to fight several wars, when an embassy was bombed here, when a ship was bombed there, and when the underground garage of a World Trade Center was bombed over there.

Things are not going to get better. They are going to get worse.

I know history is one of those subjects most students love to sleep through and copy off some geek’s test, in order to get out of high school; so, todays waste of American minds know nothing of the world before now.

I monitor the views I get on my Nostradamus postings of the past. I see views from all over the world, including Muslim nations. I get the feel that the part of the story that says Israel will pay the price for thievery and the United States – The West – those supposedly Christian will lose to an Axis formed between Communists and Muslims [the enemy of my enemy is my friend]. What I have posted only captures a glimpse of what the future holds, of which now in Israel-Gaza is just another ‘sideshow.’ The whole story (which I have not publicly interpreted yet) is not so rosy for the nuke selling Commies and the nuke buying Mahometans [word written by Nostradamus].

The Prophecies warn of the End Times. The End Times are what those words imply. The warning is of the End of life as we know it, when Times are never again to be what they were before.

Nobody wins.

The Muslims lose. The Christians lose. The Commies lose. The Socialists lose. The Zionists lose. The Capitalists lose. Those who have nothing lose; and, those who have everything lose.

Everybody loses.

Warfare is like a swinging pendulum.

There is no Holy War coming, none having already begun, none ongoing now. In fact (according to The Prophecies) all world religions and governments led by “New Philosophers” will cease to exist. No Muslims, no Christians, no Pagans, and no Atheists survive ‘as is.’

Nostradamus wrote in his Preface (divinely inspired), the future will be when “Reigns, Church, and Sects will be diametrically opposite” the way they were in the sixteenth century.

Diametrically opposite of existing is non-existent.

This is how the pendulum swings according to the way people follow the will of their leaders.

One day it is Hamas slaughtering a thousand Jews, followed the next day by Israel slaughtering ten thousand Arabs.

One day it is 3,000 people dying because of the events of September 11, 2001, followed by the next day America slaughtering 30,000 ‘terrorists’ in Afghanistan.

One day it is Daddy Bush not ordering Saddam Hussein killed in the first Gulf War (causing him to lose his reelection bid), followed by the next day Dubya Bush having thousands of Muslims being slaughtered in a second Gulf event, called the War with Iraq (causing Saddam Hussein to be killed by Shia Muslims that hate all ‘infidels’).

One day it is Nazi Germany invading France, with France surrendering to save its pretty buildings from being bombed, followed by the next day exiled French General Charles de Gaulle forming the Free French Forces, who then bomb French railroad tracks that German trains use.

One day it is French Freedom Fighters killing ten Nazi troops, followed the next day by Nazi occupying forces dragging out a hundred French civilians and executing them for being related to the killers of Nazis.

What is the difference between a ‘French Freedom Fighter’ and a ‘Hamas Terrorist’?

What is the difference between a ‘Nazi Soldier’ responding to terrorism and an ‘Israeli Soldier’ responding to terrorism?

What is the difference between the C.I.A. training Osama bin Laden and his Mujahadeen soldiers to use terrorism tactics against the Soviet occupiers of Afghanistan and the C.I.A. trained Osama bin Laden using the same terrorism tactics to train people to sacrifice their lives in a war against the United States and its allies that support the Jewish occupation of Palestine?

The pendulum’s swing is never ceasing, once its motion has begun. A guy named Newton once said the following:

  • An object will not change its motion unless a force acts on it.
  • The force on an object is equal to its mass times its acceleration.
  • When two objects interact, they apply forces to each other of equal magnitude and opposite direction.

The Prophecies of Nostradamus are not coming from some amazing individual who can do things nobody since can duplicate – via starring into a bowl of water or casting astrological charts to predict days coming in the future.

A Prophecy is the Divine Mind of Yahweh speaking through a true Prophet.

Yahweh does not utter divine visions of the future, so the future can come true and everyone can lean back in some comfortable chair, musing, “Wow! The Nostradamus dude was right on!”

Jesus said the measure of a true prophet was seen in the story of Jonah. Jonah spoke for Yahweh, the people of Nineveh listened and believed; so, the people of Nineveh changed their ways AND the warning from a true Prophecy, spoken by a true Prophet, was averted.

Believe the Prophet speaks the truth of Yahweh and be spared. Waiting to see the proof of the truth is not belief. It rejects the truth being told by a messenger of Yahweh.

Nostradamus is like Jonah, as both were souls merged with the Son of Yahweh, speaking the truth of Yahweh, as His Son resurrected in bodies of flesh.

The warning was to people – souls without the Son resurrected within them, in bodies of flesh – AND the people of Nineveh would revert from their belief in Jonah, going back to their old sinful ways, causing Yahweh to send another true Prophet to warn them of pending destruction. The people of Nineveh did not believe that true Prophet, so they did not change their ways, rejecting the truth having been told to them by a true Prophet.

Nineveh was the destroyed as the Prophecy warned, due to a lack of faith.

Yahweh speaks through true Prophets to elicit faith in Yahweh (not the Prophet), so a horrendous future begun will not capture one’s soul in the continual swings to and fro. Yahweh is the force that allows one to change motion, to decrease mass and velocity, and to go in a direction that is not diametrically opposite to Him.

The End Times are when souls who do not submit to Faith in Yahweh – KNOWING YAHWEH PERSONALLY VIA DIVINE UNION BETWEEN HIS SPIRIT AND ONE’S SOUL – will reach their End Times (as all mortals do), only to find their eternal souls recycled into a world of shit, created by those who have ZERO faith in Yahweh, who allow false shepherds to release nuclear radiation in such massive amounts that those recycled souls will be (in essence) zombies – the walking dead, who feed off brains, going nowhere heavenly.

If everybody in the world were to read Nostradamus and realize those poems were from Yahweh, for the purpose of bringing one to FAITH IN YAHWEH, then one’s soul will be saved for eternity, by acting upon total submission to Yahweh’s Will.

Brains take commands from the inner Lord – Jesus – resurrected within one’s soul. One then acts as Jesus reborn, telling the world it is headed to eternal damnation, if the force on an object has not only been brought about a stop, but reversed its acceleration and direction.

The leaders of this world – the so-called Christians, the worshippers of the false god Allah [Satan by any other name is still Satan], and the Communists who only worship big brains that wash other brains for personal benefit – can only have power when the souls in bodies of flesh (call them the ‘people’) allow them to use their souls-bodies to do their evil will.

If wars were only fought by leaders, with the people being uninvolved, as the onlookers, then all these so-called leaders would kill themselves off, leaving the people to go back to religious practices. When the world is diametrically opposite of this, the leaders never risk being killed (so many secret underground bunkers for them to dwell safely in, paid for by the people’s bucks), as only the people end up dying for some illegit cause.

The End Times depend on how each individual soul in a body of flesh chooses to End Up … Saved for eternity or Damned for eternity.

So, everything going on in the Middle East now is merely a reflection of what has been going on (past) and what will be going on (future). It is the tick-tocking of the Doomsday Clock, metered by the rhythmic swing of the warfare pendulum.

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Before I formed you in the womb I knew you

The local TV Baptist minister preached about Jeremiah 1 this past Sunday. In his sermon that compared Christians (I guess) to Jeremiah, he focused on God knowing ‘His own.’ He seemed to make Jeremiah be teaching Christians to stop thinking about what God wants one to do and just trust God to lead one to that end. While that is not bad advice, he missed the point of what is written in the verses he stressed: five through eight.

In verse five, the New American Standard Bible shows:

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

What is missed in this translation into English is the Hebrew [as shown in the Bible Hub Interlinear version] shows “I formed you” as repeated AND placed within brackets, then placed within parentheses, as such (transliterated): [’eṣ·ṣō·wr·ḵā] (’eṣ·ṣā·rə·ḵā).

I have found such enclosed words as necessary not to be read as physical words of communication, but as spiritual thoughts conveyed. Some enclosed words are not even translated, because they are usually repetitious and confusing to the surrounding text. When these words are removed from the statement made by Yahweh [not ‘Lord God’], He said to Jeremiah, “Before in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I sanctified you; a prophet to the nations I ordained you.” (literal translation, with Bible Hub punctuation)

Because that says the same basic thing, the spiritual statement “I formed you, I formed you” has to be seen as Yahweh saying the soul of Jeremiah was created (fashioned or formed) before Yahweh breathed that soul into the flesh Yahweh formed in Jeremiah’s mother’s womb.

The Baptist minister missed this point, which is most critical to understand.

Souls are eternal. When a body of flesh dies and ‘falls off the soul’ that animates it, the flesh returns to dust and clay, while the soul continues on. The ‘die and go to heaven or hell’ concept means either go where Yahweh “forms” a soul that will serve Him, or one goes to get judged by Yahweh and then gets sent back into a new body of flesh [hell on earth].

The repetition here is an indication of two souls “formed” by Yahweh, one the ordinary soul that would be named Jeremiah [meaning “Elevated of YAH”] and the other the divine soul of Yahweh’s Son (Adam, a.k.a. Jesus). Yahweh “formed” both – Jesus on the first moment of the Seventh Day; and, Jeremiah some time later [still the Seventh Day, just as is today]. The repetition then says the ordinary soul that was born as Jeremiah had in a previous life been joined with the soul of Adam-Jesus, meaning: “Before Jeremiah was born Yahweh consecrated him.” Jeremiah was a Saint already, when Yahweh breathed that dual soul “formed” by Yahweh into Jeremiah’s body of flesh (a newborn baby), which Yahweh formed in the womb [as He forms all fetuses that will be given an eternal soul to animate that formed].

When Yahweh then said to Jeremiah, “a prophet to the nations I ordained you,” that meant Jeremiah would go to the kings of Judah [listed in verses two and three], open his mouth AND Jesus would speak prophecy to important people. Because Jeremiah wrote this down for preservation, then all “nations” afterwards would hear the words of prophecy the divine soul of Adam-Jesus spoke through Jeremiah’s lips.

When we then read Jeremiah saying, “alas adonay Yahweh [not Lord God]! I cannot speak, because a youth I am,” that is how EVERY soul in its flesh is incapable of speaking the Word of Yahweh [not even people calling themselves priests, ministers, preachers, rabbis, or pastors … who went to school for a piece of paper saying, “You can speak for the Lord God.”]. The only way any soul in a body of flesh can become “a prophet to the nations” is to be Yahweh’s Son reborn. One’s eternal soul must have been “formed by Yahweh” and then one’s formed eternal soul must be “reformed” by the addition of Yahweh’s Son’s soul [made early on the Seventh Day, in Eden].

This is the meaning of Yahweh telling Jeremiah, “for to all to whom I shall send you you shall go and all whatever I command you you speak.” A Baptist minister goes to a certain spot on a stage, in a building securely placed around that spot; so, all such hired hands go to where the owner of that building [called a “church” for tax exemption purposes] says go. If one were to speak anything outside the realm of accepted dogmatic theology held dear to that church organization, then that one would soon be out of work. Jeremiah was not favored by those leaders of nations to whom Yahweh sent him, nor were they pleased with what Jeremiah said Yahweh told them to do. But, then Jesus got run out of town when he preached true prophecy in Nazareth. That is the expectation; not job security.

When we then read, ‘“Do not be afraid of them, For I am with you to save you,” declares Yahweh [not the Lord],’” that says Jeremiah’s ordinary soul was permanently saved by having been doubly “formed” by Yahweh. When Yahweh told Moses to tell the people, “Do not fear for, on account of test you, has come ha-elohim; that may be his fear before your faces so that not you may sin.” That says a soul alone in its body of flesh will bend, break and fold when pressured to toe the line and preach to the choir. When the soul of Adam-Jesus has joined with one’s weakling ordinary soul, then it is that “face” of Yahweh, through the Son, that scares those who threaten, while keeping one from sinning [not preaching prophecy to the nations].

In that regard, the mistranslation of ha-elohim as ‘God’ is wrong. A soul is an el, being eternal. Two souls in one body of flesh becomes the plural number of el, which is elohim. The ha- prefix shows possession; so, “has come a divinely possessing el from Yahweh, to become one’s face to the world.” Wearing the face of Jesus means “being in his name.”

Earlier, when the translation was ‘Lord God,’ the words adonay Yahweh were written. The word adonay (like elohim is to el) is the plural of the Hebrew word adon, meaning “lord.” Everyone’s ordinary soul is the “lord” over its body of flesh … until the flesh rebels and convinces the soul to go where the flesh’s desires, which means to sin. To have adonay Yahweh means a new LORD has entered one’s flesh, as two souls in one body of flesh, with the soul of Jesus becoming one’s total LORD.

To end, let’s recall what Jesus said in Luke 12:4-6. The New American Stand Bible translates that as this:

“Now I say to you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have nothing more that they can do. But I will warn you whom to fear: fear the One who, after He has killed someone, has the power to throw that person into hell; yes, I tell you, fear Him!” [Hint: “One” and “Him” are Yahweh.]

That good advice is prophecy to the nations that says there is nothing this world has to offer that is worth losing one’s soul to eternal damnation [over and over again reincarnations that only lead to bad judgments]. It is important to be told, “Be Jesus reborn or die and go to hell.”

Alas, nobody preaches that prophecy to the nations, because people prefer to be told, “Its okay. Sin all you want. God knows you don’t mean it.”

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